MiteGuard is a proven protective bedding system. It is a soft, air permeable, micron dust filter specifically developed as a barrier against dust mite allergies and inhibits a wide range of bacteria, fungi, mold and mildew.
The tri-layered polypropylene is one of the most inert fabrics known. It overcomes the need for regular hot washing of bedding items such as quilts and pillows, and even allows the use of natural fillings such as wool and feather.
Asthma and other respiratory disorders can be brought on when the lungs become sensitised to allergens such as the faeces of the common house dust mite. The dust mite is between 200-300 microns in length and produces approximately 20 faecal pellets per day, which contain the allergen Der Pl. These pellets rapidly break down forming allergenic dust particles between 1-20 microns in size. Dust mites proliferate in mattresses, pillows and quilts where moisture, temperature and human skin particles provide optimal conditions for growth. Clinical trials have demonstrated that allergies and sensitivities including asthma attacks can be significantly reduced if protective covers are placed over items of bedding such as the mattress, pillows and quilts to create a barrier between the individual and the dust mite pellet dust.
Dust mites and the allergic particles they produce are known to be a significant cause of allergies including:
They can also contribute to eczema, dermatitis and other skin disorders.
MiteGuard products provide not only a barrier against dust mite allergens, but are extremely lightweight and allows body heat and moisture through to keep you comfortable throughout the night.
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